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The Neosync Go SDK is publicly available and can be added to any Go-based project by running go get

Neosync's CLI is the primary user of the Go SDK today, and can be referenced for examples of how to use the SDK.

Getting Started

Neosync is made up of a number of different services that live inside of the same process. They are roughly split up in terms of their resource types, and correspond nicely with what resources that are found in the web application.

We can initialize the job service client to trigger a new job run like so:

package main

import (

mgmtv1alpha1 ""

func main() {
jobclient := mgmtv1alpha1connect.NewJobServiceClient(

_, err := jobclient.CreateJobRun(context.Background(), connect.NewRequest(&mgmtv1alpha1.CreateJobRunRequest{
JobId: "<neosync-job-id>",
if err != nil {

Go SDK Packages

There are two packages that are made available for connecting to a Neosync API.


The first package is made up of the generated types. This includes all of the request, response, and DTO types.

The second package are where the client and server structs live for use with either creating a Neosync Client, or Neosync Server.

Adding Authentication to the SDK

If developing Neosync locally, it's easy to run in the default mode that doesn't require authentication. However, if interacting with a production environment, it most likely will require authentication like an API Key.

Providing the authentication header can be a little wonky in Go and can be done in two different ways.

  1. Attaching to the HTTP client
  2. Providing an interceptor to the SDK Clients that patch in the header on every request.

The example below shows how to augment the HTTP Client to include the header:

package main

import (


func main() {
jobclient := mgmtv1alpha1connect.NewJobServiceClient(
"Authorization": fmt.Sprintf("Bearer %s", os.Getenv("NEOSYNC_API_KEY")),
_ = jobclient

func newHttpClient(
headers map[string]string,
) *http.Client {
return &http.Client{
Transport: &headerTransport{
Transport: http.DefaultTransport,
Headers: headers,

type headerTransport struct {
Transport http.RoundTripper
Headers map[string]string

func (t *headerTransport) RoundTrip(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
if req.Header == nil {
req.Header = http.Header{}
for key, value := range t.Headers {
req.Header.Add(key, value)
return t.Transport.RoundTrip(req)